Most people pray that their conditions change magically. They are not inclined to improve themselves and thus can actively improve their situation. Unlike most people who just wait for luck, you can look for someone who has the skills and capabilities to do smart things. You can become a person who does high-impact work. Your job can solve big problems, improve people’s lives, and attract the attention of important people who are your colleagues. Sharing your work makes it look good.
The quality you are as a person and what you do is completely under your control. But you can not pray what happens. You should be the kind of person who naturally attracts the success he is looking for.
With the third part of this article, be with us:
11 Do not focus on time and effort, instead focus on the result
The founder of the strategic coaching platform, Dan Sullivan, distinguishes between those who save time and effort and those who save money. If you save time and effort, you focus on being busy. You actually believe in the time and energy you spend on something. Conversely, when you save as a result, you will focus on achieving a specific result.
Most people did not think about the outcome because their security is in a legal box. However, when you concentrate on the amount of work you can do, you will change how you work. You will find ways to get the results faster. You are responsible, you change the environment, and you also understand how much sleep and rest are important to reach the highest possible result. Hence, you also spend more time relaxing. When you spend 80% of your energy for advancement and rest, you’ll be much sharper over time.
You think 10 times bigger than others. You work under shorter periods and more pressure. You can spend more on yourself as you spend your time on energy and preparation.
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