SEO experts use many tools in their work, some of which are provided by search engines themselves. Search engines like webmasters to produce their content that is both attractive to users and understandable to crawlers. As such, there are many tools and opportunities available from analysis to various tips. In addition, search engines use several factors to determine the quality of sites. In this article, we try to examine the tools and services that are used by search engines.
Search engine protocols
1. Sitemap
Site maps or sitemap file that lists the addresses of the content available on the site to search engine crawlers can not index sites easily. Your sitemap is designed to help search engines find and categorize content that you have not found on your site. Site maps have a variety of different types and can display different shapes of content, including videos, images, and text into crawler robots.
Sitemap with xml extension to guide search engines. Using this sitemap, the robots of the search engines can be notified of the latest updates.
Advantage: XML is the most common and well-known format for site mapping. This format for search engines is also easily recognizable and can be made by many website creation tools.
Fault: XML files are usually bulky. Since XML requires open labels and closed tags everywhere, the file size may be very high.
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